Full-time MBA

Ipsita Arora

Ipsita Arora
Class of 2013

I am a student in the HKU MBA 2012 intake. I am from New Delhi, India and hold a Bachelor’s degree in Physics. After graduation, I worked for three and a half years at Standard Chartered Bank in two roles: as a sales associate and as portfolio manager on the supply chain financing team, which is a part of Trade Products, Corporate Banking.

Having gained experience in India, I wanted to explore the option of working in other emerging markets. I decided to move my base to Hong Kong, which is the financial hub of Asia. To build an international network, form a better understanding of the market and add personal value, I decided to pursue an MBA.

HKU seemed the obvious choice because it is the oldest and best-known university in Asia, and its full-time MBA programme is highly ranked. Moreover, it is located close to the business district on Hong Kong Island, which gives me easy access to people in the financial industry. I am also looking forward to the exchange programme with London Business School to gain an international perspective to add to the unmatched regional perspective that the course will offer.

My experience on the programme has been fantastic so far. I have had the opportunity to interact with and learn from people of 15 different nationalities. I have also learnt a new language and explored two new countries. Most importantly, I have had the opportunity to network with various industry experts at such events as dinners, talks and presentations.

Current Status

Employer: ANZ Bank
Position: Risk Analyst, Lending Services
Location: Singapore