Full-time MBA

Noel Hanssens

Noel Hanssens
Class of 2013

The HKU MBA was a defining experience and one that will stay with me for the rest of my life. I am grateful for the opportunity it gave me to step back from my career, develop as an individual and form so many great, new relationships. The 14 month long experience had many highlights but the new group of friends I developed and the things we have achieved post-MBA is without a doubt the main one.

The course provided a great learning experience and helped me land a post-MBA executive position with the Australian Government. I now lead an Information and Data Systems team and have found the skills I learned during this course invaluable. In particular the communication, leadership, organisational learning, marketing and finance skills have all been put to good use.

The thing that set the HKU MBA apart for me was the opportunity to study in Beijing, Hong Kong and London and travel to over twenty countries across the course of my studies. I participated in a career trek to Singapore, competed against the best business school athletes in the world at the MBA Tournament in Paris and jumped out of a plane with a great MBA friend near Silverstone racetrack in the UK.

I now count amazing friends and experiences from all corners of the globe from the HKU MBA programme. The programme has given me the platform to be the best that I can be and meet many, many other people who are doing the same.

Current Status

Employer: Australian Government
Position: Manager, Information and Data Systems
Location: Melbourne