Full-time MBA

Jessica Lee

Jessica Lee
Class of 2012
Hong Kong

I worked for Philips Electronics for eight years after graduating from National Chengchi University in Taiwan in 2003. My job functions included strategic planning and sales and marketing, which required travelling globally to coordinate and collaborate with colleagues and vendors worldwide on many important projects. Throughout the period, I participated in various product groups (the semiconductor, television and accessories groups) in Taiwan, Singapore, China and Hong Kong, amongst other countries, after receiving multiple promotions. I was awarded Philips’ High Potential Talent Pool and Best Employee Awards in 2009 and 2006, respectively.

After eight years in the technology industry, I strongly believe that I require further vigorous preparation to fulfil my career aspirations. The HKU MBA was my programme of choice because of its good mix of Asian and global exposure—not only am I able to focus on what is essential to Asia business, but I can also develop my financial and analytical skills at London Business School.

Current Status

Employer: British American Tabacoo
Position: Regional Brand Manager, Travel Retailer
Location: Hong Kong