Full-time MBA

Masaaki Yamane

Masaaki Yamane
Class of 2013
Hong Kong

After graduating from Osaka University with a Master’s degree in Mechanical Engineering, I worked for JAFCO, which is one of the largest PE/VC firms in Japan, for five and a half years. I focused on growth capital and management buyout investment opportunities as an assistant manager. I negotiated the details of potential IPOs, buyouts and incubation deals with more than 500 presidents and directors of candidate firms, and then organised proprietary carve-out transactions with green technology companies.

Now is the time for me to pursue my MBA because there are few experts who can bridge Japanese domestic capabilities and foreign operations in Asia despite the desperate need for such expertise. Moreover, the ongoing recession in Japan has shown me that SMEs are begging for the guidance I aim to be able to provide. In addition to my continuing work in technology investments, I would like to drive Japanese client company strategies and become a bridge synergising Japanese techniques, products and sophisticated services with emerging Asian markets through investment and management consulting.

Current Status

Employer: Arcus Investment Asia Ltd.​
Position: Portfolio Manager
Location: Hong Kong