Full-time MBA

Shogo Tanaka

Shogo Tanaka
Class of 2014

My name is Shogo Tanaka, and I am from Tokyo, Japan. Before joining HKU MBA programme, I graduated from Hitotsubashi University and spent seven years gaining professional experience in the start-up, venture capital, consulting and private equity arenas.

I was attracted to HKU MBA programme by its location, its intensive curriculum and its provision of international experience. Asia’s presence in the global economy is steadily increasing. Given Hong Kong’s role as a gateway to China and as an Asian business hub, it is the best city in which to acquire a comprehensive sense of business in Asia. HKU is unique as the only school located on Hong Kong Island at the center of business development. This advantage allows students to create networks and accept valuable internships.

The 14-month programme has also enabled me to learn intensively while minimizing career interruption and loss of opportunities. Because one’s late 20s to early 30s is the most important period for building a professional career, HKU’s intensive curriculum significantly enhances my career development opportunities.

Furthermore, HKU MBA curriculum offers substantial advantages in increasing international exposure because I can study in the world’s three leading cities: Beijing, Hong Kong and New York. This strengthens my international perspective.

My days in Hong Kong are busier than I expected. However, my coursework and the need to move around this busy metropolis have taught me vital time management skills. Despite a hectic course schedule, I am studying Mandarin and, thanks to HKU’s diverse network and strong support from the Career Development Office, I have been given the opportunity to take an internship at a local private equity firm.

Hong Kong and HKU MBA provide the perfect learning environment for passionate prospective leaders.