Full-time MBA

Shreya Bahri

Shreya Bahri
Class of 2017
Hong Kong

I was working at a leading international management-consulting firm, McKinsey & Company, as a risk analyst for about three years prior to joining the HKU MBA programme. During my time at the firm, I had the opportunity to work closely with a variety of clients globally and interact with many senior partners and directors. Although, my job profile enabled me to work on many projects worldwide, nevertheless, I do believe that there was a need for me to further hone and develop my technical and intellectual skills and hence, I decided to pursue my MBA.

My HKU journey as an undergraduate student had been one of the most memorable and enriching phases of my life and returning to my ‘second home’ had an obvious appeal. The strategic location of Hong Kong as a financial centre, the diversity of the school and the top class faculty with the rich curriculum of the MBA programme drew me towards HKU once again.

It has been little more than a month so far and I believe that my learning curve is already on a steep growth trajectory. The China Immersion Programme in Beijing was a great platform for me to learn Mandarin and network with my classmates. In addition, the Career Development and Personal Branding workshops have kick-started my MBA with new ideas and a fresh perspective.

After my MBA, equipped with the necessary skills and expertise, I would like to continue my career in consulting in an elevated position. The brand of HKU is a badge I will wear with honor and pride all my life and it will be an integral part of me. I am very excited to return to Hong Kong and I look forward to an exciting year ahead!

Current Status

Employer: AlphaSights
Position: Principal
Location: Hong Kong