Full-time MBA

Varun R Thakur

Varun R Thakur
Class of 2014
After completing a Bachelor’s in Management Studies in Mumbai, India, I joined my family’s manufacturing and export business. Being part of a tightly managed SME, I gained exposure to the various functions within a small organization (sales, marketing, exports and product development, to name just a few). My role required me to travel extensively to a variety of countries for exhibitions and client meetings, thereby fostering my knowledge of business and cultural trends across the globe. I also started up a successful e-Commerce venture in India, in addition to a range of other new initiatives within the family firm.
Participating in many trade fairs held in Hong Kong over the past five years gave me numerous opportunities to visit this vibrant city for business and pleasure. The fast-paced yet comfortable lifestyle, vibrant work culture and tremendous growth opportunities in one of Asia’s best-managed cities made Hong Kong a natural choice for pursuing a professional degree that will help me to further my career aspirations and accomplish a career shift.
I chose HKU because of its heritage as Hong Kong’s premier university and as one of the best in the world. I chose the HKU MBA programme because it gives me an opportunity to sharpen my skill-set in a class of individuals from diverse backgrounds (we have an investment banker, a lawyer, a member of the air force, a brand manager, a teacher, a healthcare professional and a management consultant, to name just a few).
My inclination is towards strategy consulting, marketing and project management, and I am sure that the core courses, electives, networking events, and personal and professional growth opportunities offered by the HKU MBA will propel me towards a management career in Southeast Asia.
I believe that life is all about chances and choices. I had a chance, and I made a choice. I hope that you will too!
Employer: Amazon
Position: Senior Worldwide Marketing Manager
Location: Luxembourg