Full-time MBA

Colin Ni

Colin Ni
Class of 2021

Prior to the HKU MBA I worked within the financial services sector in the Greater Bay Area, providing investment recommendations for high net-worth clients. This tenure in the GBA was preceded by my undergraduate studies at the University of Waterloo, majoring in Financial Analysis & Risk Management with a minor in Statistics. After graduation, I first worked as an investment analyst at a wealth management firm in Hong Kong before moving on a financial advisory role at a family office. My last role before joining the HKU MBA programme was in equity research for a hedge fund in Guangzhou.

For me, returning to China after growing up in Canada proved to be quite a culture clash. The most difficult part of the job shifted from the task to the people. Therefore, I believe that the HKU MBA will be an invaluable opportunity to meet passionate people from a variety of cultural and professional backgrounds. The programme will provide the perfect platform for me to learn vital skills necessary to be an effective leader.

At the end of my MBA journey, I hope to become someone that can inspire and motivate, to bring about leadership under which others can prosper and grow. I will continue to build my career here in the Greater China markets and devote my resources to better define the financial industry in the region.