Full-time MBA

Karl Van Dam

Karl Van Dam
Class of 2013

When making the decision to change careers, or even move into another sector, I had to determine the ideal location, i.e. that which would give me the greatest opportunity for growth. At the end of the day, the decision came down to where I believed the future of business to be, and that was China.

I was previously employed as an engineer in the oil and gas sector in Canada, but I have aspired to move into management consulting for some time. Taking the decision to move to the Hong Kong SAR was not one I took lightly, but I felt the educational benefit of understanding the economy and business nature of China in greater depth would greatly outweigh anything to be gained from an MBA programme in North America or Europe. Small class sizes, a large alumni base and ties with three of the top universities in the world are just a few of the features that made HKU an easy decision for my MBA.

Current Status

Employer: Accenture
Position: Management Consultant
Location: Canada