Full-time MBA

Maxine Chan

Maxine Chan
Class of 2017
Hong Kong

Prior to joining the HKU MBA programme, I worked at Cartier in the High Jewellery Department as a marketing and merchandising coordinator. We managed the APAC region, and my main duties were to allocate stock to different markets, while monitoring their sales and working on yearly budget forecasts. Although I learnt a lot during my 2 years there, the work soon became dull and repetitive. Majoring in biochemistry during university also meant I lacked sufficient business knowledge to contribute to my company any further. Since I wasn’t sure whether I loved my job or the industry itself, I decided it was time to pursue my MBA. I hoped to gain some insight and experiences during the programme, as well as from my peers, and figure out where my passion lay and what I wanted to pursue upon graduation.

I was born and raised here in this very city. Therefore, having access to a world class faculty, gaining an international perspective from the diverse student body, and having the opportunity to travel abroad for one semester, all from the comfort of living at home, made the decision to go for the MBA programme at HKU an easy one. The variety of learning methods they offered would be beneficial for me as well, since I have a lot to learn about business, a lot of catching up to do and not enough time to do everything.

Although we have only just started our second week here in Hong Kong, I am already loving it. The classes and workshops have been both interactive and stimulating. Beijing was also a great way to connect with the rest of the students in our class. I’m 100% sure that, had we not spent the month in Beijing, we would not have been able to form these life-long friendships nor be as close as we are now. I am excited to find out what’s to come!