Full-time MBA

Piyush Choudhary

Piyush Choudhary
Class of 2014

After finishing my electrical engineering studies at the Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur in 2010, I joined Deloitte as a business technology analyst. I started off as a member of the Quality Assurance Team for the Health and Life Sciences Industry. Thereafter, my interest in the finance sector grew, and I moved into the financial services industry as a key member of the client liaison team for four projects spanning the auditing and insurance industries. I was responsible for revising client business requirements into technical specifications for the offshore back-end development unit. I also co-managed financial services training sessions for up to 50 colleagues. To hone my subject matter knowledge in the financial domain, I started studying for the CFA charter in 2010, and I have passed the first two levels. Following this, the next obvious step on my career path was to acquire the next level of professional acumen in the world of finance. Given that finance is my prime area of interest and that Asia is currently one of the best financial markets to work in, Hong Kong was a pretty obvious choice.

After settling on Hong Kong, HKU was also a straightforward option. The HKU MBA programme offers many advantages, such as a variety of business learning disciplines, international business exposure and a prime location in a city with a very strong business heritage. A few of its other distinctive features are the diversity of the classroom, extensive alumni network and partnership with the London Business School.

I am now three weeks into the MBA programme, and it has been an exhilarating experience to say the least. With its rapid pace, I have learnt quite a lot in a short span of time.

Current Status

Employer: Ballers Media Group
Position: Chief Business Officer
Location: Mumbai, India