Full-time MBA

Ted Chou

Ted Chou
Class of 2016

I am Ted and having studied in Thailand and the United States as well as working in Taiwan, I can say that I speak four languages and that I am equipped with knowledge ranging from the field of veterinary science to the field of IT. Although I did have some basic understanding of accounting, finance and marketing, these have always been unknown and perplexing fields to me.

The reason I chose to study my MBA in Hong Kong is because I believe that Hong Kong is not only the heart of the Asian economy, it is also a vibrant and ever-changing city that has always fascinated me. If I am to study finance, I believe that the ideal place to study it is a location where the industry is essentially rooted. In addition, Hong Kong offers one of the best business schools that ranks top not only in Asia, but the world. HKU was also my top priority because the MBA course it offers allows me not only to learn, but to learn in different environments-Hong Kong, Beijing and London.

MBA was only a degree to me just a year ago. However, I have realized that there is more than just certification in MBA. MBA is an intensive yet flexible experience that can be tailored to your expectation and situation. MBA should not have a rigid set of courses that trains one to become an investment banker or a financial consultant. I was told that everyone enters such a course at a different stage and should exit the programme aiming for a different outcome. I believe the HKU MBA does exactly that!

Current Status

Employer: HDE, Inc.
Position: Technical Sales Manager
Location: Taipei, Taiwan